18 research outputs found

    Ecology of Larval Habitats

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    Heterotrophic nitrogen fixation in oligotrophic tropical marshes: changes after phosphorus addition

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    In order to determine the impact of nutrient enrichment on phosphorus (P) limited wetlands, we established experimental P additions in marshes throughout northern Belize. P significantly increased macrophyte primary production, which led to the rapid elimination of cyanobacterial mats. The replacement of cyanobacterial mats by macrophytes constrained autotrophic nitrogen (N) fixation, increased the quantity, and changed the quality of organic matter input to the sediments. We predicted that the activity of sediment heterotrophic N fixers will be impacted by these alterations in carbon input. We used the acetylene reduction technique to measure potential (glucose amended) nitrogenase activity (NA) in sediments from controls and treatment plots that have been P enriched for four years and dominated either by Eleocharis cellulosa, or Typha domingensis for two years. NA in P-enriched plots was 2–3 orders of magnitude higher than NA in controls. NA was positively correlated with the soil reactive P, both total organic and microbial carbon, live root biomass, and total phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) as an indicator of active microbial biomass. It was negatively correlated with the concentration of ammonium-N. Path analysis revealed that the indirect effect of P on NA through the root biomass was more important than the direct effect of P. NA of the upper sediment layer was consistently higher in Eleocharis than in Typha dominated plots, despite the higher litter input by Typha. We feel that the higher levels of lignin and phenolics occurring in Typha litter, relative to Eleocharis, constrained NA in Typha plots

    Heterotrophic N2-fixation contributes to nitrogen economy of a common wetland sedge, Schoenoplectus californicus.

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    A survey of the ecological variability within 52 populations of Schoenoplectus californicus (C.A. Mey.) Soják across its distributional range revealed that it is commonly found in nitrogen (N) limited areas, but rarely in phosphorus limited soils. We explored the hypothesis that S. californicus supplements its nitrogen demand by bacterial N2-fixation processes associated with its roots and rhizomes. We estimated N2-fixation of diazotrophs associated with plant rhizomes and roots from several locations throughout the species' range and conducted an experiment growing plants in zero, low, and high N additions. Nitrogenase activity in rhizomes and roots was measured using the acetylene reduction assay. The presence of diazotrophs was verified by the detection of the nifH gene. Nitrogenase activity was restricted to rhizomes and roots and it was two orders of magnitude higher in the latter plant organs (81 and 2032 nmol C2H4 g DW-1 d-1, respectively). Correspondingly, 40x more nifH gene copies were found on roots compared to rhizomes. The proportion of the nifH gene copies in total bacterial DNA was positively correlated with the nitrogenase activity. In the experiment, the contribution of fixed N to the plant N content ranged from 13.8% to 32.5% among clones from different locations. These are relatively high values for a non-cultivated plant and justify future research on the link between N-fixing bacteria and S. californicus production

    Means ± standard deviations of nitrogenase activity of epiphytic (roots) and endophytic (rhizomes) diazotrophs measured as ethylene production (nmol C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>4</sub> gDW<sup>-1</sup> d<sup>-1</sup>), shoot and rhizomes δ<sup>15</sup>N, and tissue N and P of <i>Schoenoplectus californicus</i> from unpolluted and polluted locations in the littoral of Lake Atitlán, Guatemala.

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    <p>Means ± standard deviations of nitrogenase activity of epiphytic (roots) and endophytic (rhizomes) diazotrophs measured as ethylene production (nmol C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>4</sub> gDW<sup>-1</sup> d<sup>-1</sup>), shoot and rhizomes δ<sup>15</sup>N, and tissue N and P of <i>Schoenoplectus californicus</i> from unpolluted and polluted locations in the littoral of Lake Atitlán, Guatemala.</p

    Soil and plant total nitrogen, TN, and phosphorus, TP, mg g<sup>-1</sup>, and aboveground biomass, W, from 52 populations of <i>Schoenoplectus californicus</i> [23].

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    <p>Soil and plant total nitrogen, TN, and phosphorus, TP, mg g<sup>-1</sup>, and aboveground biomass, W, from 52 populations of <i>Schoenoplectus californicus</i> [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0195570#pone.0195570.ref023" target="_blank">23</a>].</p